King David Therapy
Harp of the Heart
Dr. Mordechai Lipo (M.D):
Our era is one of stress. Extreme stress is very widespread.
Pain, anger, and disease are the result. Who knows how many couples get divorced as a result of the stress?
When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system works overtime; and as a result, we experience great unease, or respond impulsively - even aggressively - through angry outbursts.
We just can't think!
But don't worry, G-d has prepared a wonderful remedy!
As the sources say, G-d provides the remedy before He sends the ailment.
King David knew the secrets of healing stress. He was a master of poetry and music; his book of Psalms is the world's number one printed book. He knew how to arouse the multitudes into joy and exuberance, and how to heal melancholy and depression…
When King Saul was overcome by an evil spirit, "And David took the violin, and played it with his hand, and played before Saul, and he relaxed, and the evil spirit was removed from him."

King David Therapy
After 2,000 years of exile, G-d has brought the people of the Bible back to the land of the Bible!
Exactly as G-d promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…
And exactly as Ezekiel told in his prophecy ...
"For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land. (Ez. 36:24)
The spirit of King David is awakening and King David Therapy is becoming a reality!
Dr. Mordechai Lipo of Jerusalem, explains the secret of King David’s therapy :
Our era is one of stress. Extreme stress is very widespread.
Pain, anger, and disease are the result. Who knows how many couples get divorced as a result of the stress?
When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system works overtime; and as a result, we experience great unease, or respond impulsively - even aggressively - through angry outbursts.
Also we may get hypersensitive; everything is interpreted in the brain as a threat; and then the survival instinct "fight or flight " bursts forth, without thinking!
We take things out on our spouses or the children; the brain fails to concentrate; and we can't properly consider our actions and reactions ...And then we regret what we have done…
Stress causes excessive and unnecessary secretion of the Adrenaline and Cortisol hormones, which are very harmful to our health, especially when we do not let go of the stress.
But don't worry, G-d has prepared a wonderful remedy!
As the sources say, G-d provides the remedy before He sends the ailment.
King David, knew the secrets of healing stress. He was a master of poetry and music; his book of Psalms is the world's number one printed book. He knew how to arouse the multitudes into joy and exuberance, and how to heal sadness and depression…
When King Saul was overcome by an evil spirit, "And David took the violin, and played it with his hand, and played before Saul, and he relaxed, and the evil spirit was removed from him."
The holy Zohar reveals a wonderful secret: David in the Psalms knew how to attune his violin strings to a person's heartbeat, just as a doctor checks the heartbeat of a patient.
This is the secret of a unique System and app, Called "kinorlev" - Harp of the Heart invented and developed by Dr. Mordechai Lipo. A doctor, a scientist, a man of deep spirituality and someone knowledgeable in the secrets of the Torah.
Dr. Mordechai Lipo has invented heart - violin software. After many years of research and development, he found the way to balance the autonomic and limbic systems in the brain by listening to the heartbeat tune.
To find out more enter this site: Kinorlev.co.il
Let go of stress! Live a calmer, healthier life!
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh"...(yehezkel 36)
Let go of stress! Live a calmer, healthier life!